As a cat owner, you might have heard stories about cats suffering from kidney stones and other complications due to insufficient water intake. Cats are notorious for not drinking enough water, which can lead to serious health issues. While wet food can help alleviate this problem to some extent, investing in a reliable cat water fountain is highly recommended. In this blog post, we will discuss why you should consider buying a cat water fountain and the essential factors to consider when making a purchase.

Why Buy a Cat Water Fountain?

A friend's cat recently suffered from kidney stones, causing the poor feline immense pain, frequent urination with blood, and various complications. The owner had to spend a significant amount of time and money to treat the cat's condition. A cat water fountain can help stimulate your cat's interest in drinking water while ensuring a continuous, stable, and safe water supply, reducing the risk of dehydration and kidney problems.

What to Consider When Buying a Cat Water Fountain?

  1. Purpose: The primary goal of a cat water fountain is to maintain a steady flow of water, encouraging your pet to drink more while saving you the hassle of frequently changing the water. Make sure the water fountain you choose can provide a continuous, stable, and safe water supply.
  2. Capacity: A cat's daily water intake depends on their weight. On average, a cat needs about 60 to 80ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day. A 1L water fountain can usually meet the needs of a single cat for about three days. However, if you have larger pets or multiple cats, consider a larger-capacity fountain.
  3. Filtration: The filter is the core component of a water fountain, responsible for filtering impurities and softening the water. A larger filter area provides better filtration efficiency. The seal between the filter and filter tray is also crucial to prevent water from flowing through gaps without being filtered. Keep in mind that filter replacement costs should be factored into your decision.
  4. Noise Control: First-time cat owners might overlook the noise produced by water fountains. The sound of the water pump and flowing water can be annoying, especially at night. Opt for a quiet water fountain to avoid disturbing your sleep.
  5. Safety Features: A good cat water fountain should withstand your pet's antics. Look for features such as leakproof design, protection against accidental touches, bite-resistant cables, and secure connections. A three-prong grounded power adapter can help eliminate electric shock risks.
  6. Hygiene and Cleaning: Remember that a water fountain requires regular cleaning and water replacement. The material and design of the fountain will affect its cleanliness and ease of maintenance. Stainless steel is a better choice than plastic, as it is more durable and less prone to bacterial growth. Look for a modular and easy-to-disassemble design for easier cleaning.
  7. Additional Features: Some fountains offer heating and temperature control, which might be useful in colder climates. Other innovative features, like intermittent water flow or motion-sensing technology, can be considered based on your budget and preferences. However, these features might not address issues like noise and energy consumption and could potentially disrupt your cat's drinking habits.

In conclusion, while automatic and smart cat water fountains can be helpful in maintaining your cat's hydration, it is essential not to rely solely on electronic devices. Spend more time preparing homemade wet food for your cat to promote their water intake and strengthen your bond. This is something electronic products can never achieve. The information shared in this blog is based on personal opinions and is intended for reference only.